Using Physiological Indicators as Metrics of Collaboration


  • Regan Lee Mandryk

Emerging technologies offer exciting new ways of using entertainment technology to create fantastic play experiences and foster interactions between players. Evaluating collaborative entertainment technology is challenging because success isn’t defined in terms of productivity and performance, but in terms of enjoyment and interaction. Current subjective methods of evaluating entertainment technology aren’t sufficiently robust. Our research project aims to test the efficacy of physiological measures as evaluators of collaborative user experience with entertainment technologies. We found evidence that there is a different physiological response in the body when playing against a computer versus playing against a friend. These physiological results are mirrored in the subjective reports provided by the participants. This research provides an initial step towards using physiological responses to objectively evaluate a user’s experience with collaborative entertainment technology. VISION Emerging technologies in ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence offer exciting new interface opportunities for co-located entertainment technology, as evidenced in a recent growth in the number of conference workshops and research articles devoted to this topic [1, 2, 7]. Our research team is interested in employing these new technologies to foster interactions between users in co-located, collaborative entertainment environments. We want technology not only to enable fun, compelling experiences, but also to enhance the interaction and communication between players. EXPERIENCES AND CHALLENGES We recently created two novel collaborative play environments [9, 10] with the goal of enhancing interaction between players and to create a compelling experience. Other researchers have used emerging technologies to create entertainment environments with the same goal in mind [1, 5, 7]. However, evaluating the success of these new interaction techniques and environments is an open research challenge. Traditionally, human-computer interaction research (HCI) has been rooted in the cognitive sciences of psychology and human factors, and in the applied sciences of engineering, and computer science [11]. Although the study of human cognition has made significant progress in the last decade, the notion of emotion is equally important to design [11], especially when the primary goals are to challenge and entertain the user. This approach presents a shift in focus from usability analysis to user experience analysis. Traditional objective measures used for productivity environments, such as time and accuracy, are not relevant to collaboration or play. The first issue prohibiting good evaluation of collaborative entertainment technologies is the inability to define what makes a system successful. We are not interested in traditional performance measures, but are more interested in whether our environment fosters interaction and communication between the players, creates an engaging experience, and is fun. A successful interaction technique should provide seamless access to the game environment and be a source of fun in itself. Although traditional usability issues may still be relevant, they are subordinate to the actual playing experience as defined by challenge, engagement, and fun. Once a definition of success has been determined, we need to resolve how to measure the chosen variables. Unlike performance measures, such as speed or accuracy, the measures of success for collaborative entertainment technologies are more elusive. We want to increase interaction, enhance engagement, and create a fun experience. The current research problem lies in what metrics to use to measure engagement, interaction, fun, and collaboration. We have previously used both subjective reports and video coding as methods of evaluating our new technologies although there is no control environment with which to make comparisons [9, 10, 12]. Subjective reporting through questionnaires and interviews is generalizable and convenient, but misses complex patterns. Using video to code gestures, body language, and verbalizations is a rich source of data, but is also a lengthy and rigorous process. Research in Human Factors has used physiological measures as an indicator of mental effort and stress [13, 14]. Psychologists have been using physiological measures as unique identifiers of human emotions such as anger, grief, and sadness [4]. Physiological data have not been employed to identify human experience states of enjoyment, fun, and interaction. My doctoral research focuses on using physiological data as objective indicators of challenge, fun, boredom, and engagement in electronic entertainment environments. In our research, we record users’ physiological, verbal and facial reactions to game technology, and apply postprocessing techniques to correlate an individual’s physiological data with their subjective reported experience and events in the game. Our ultimate goal is to create a methodology for the objective evaluation of collaborative entertainment technology, as rigorous as current methods for productivity systems. OUR RESULTS We have conducted a number of experiments to further our research goal. In our first experiment, we manipulated the difficulty of a game environment, hoping to elicit varying levels of boredom, challenge, frustration, and fun. We analysed both the subjective results and the mean physiological results individually, and also correlated the two data types for each individual. Strong correlations between subjective ratings and the mean of many physiological measures were present in all players, but these correlations weren’t consistent across individuals. One problem was that the subjects enjoyed playing in all of the conditions, even if the difficulty level didn’t match their experience (fun median=3.0 for all conditions). The players also created challenges for themselves in the easier levels, changing the nature of the difficulty conditions, confounding the results. The main challenge with analyzing this experiment was relating single point data (subjective ratings) to time series data (physiology). To match these two types of data, we converted the time series data to a single point through averaging (e.g. mean) or integrating (e.g. HRV) the time series. Although this method has been used in other domains, it erases the variance within each condition. Game design employs variance and reward, thus this approach may not be appropriate. In the second experiment, to better understand how body responses can be used to create an objective evaluation methodology, we observed pairs of participants playing a computer game. Because this methodology is a novel approach to measure collaboration and engagement, and the results from Experiment One were ambiguous, we used an experimental manipulation designed to maximize the difference in the experience for the participant, so much that they would not be able to compensate with meta gaming activities. They played in two conditions: against another co-located player, and against the computer. We chose these conditions because we have previously observed pairs (and groups) of participants playing together under a variety of collaborative conditions [3, 6, 9, 12]. Our previous observations revealed that players seem to be more engaged with a game when another co-located player is involved. The results of the second experiment are described in full in a paper at CSCW 2004 [8]. To summarize, we found different mean physiological responses in the body and different subjective reports when playing against a friend versus playing against a computer. Participants found it significantly more fun, engaging, and exciting, and less boring to play against a friend than against a computer. In addition, mean galvanic skin response (GSR), and mean electromyography of the jaw (EMG) were significantly higher when playing against a friend. Although these results are an encouraging progression towards user experience analysis for collaborative entertainment technologies, they have the same disadvantage as subjective results. They are single points of data representing an entire condition, however, unlike subjective reporting, they represent an objective measure of user experience. Used in concert, these two methods can provide a more detailed and accurate representation of the player’s experience. In order to correlate subjective and physiological responses, we needed to normalize the data. Physiological data has very large individual differences, thus individual baselines have to be taken into account. In order to perform a group analysis, we transformed both the physiological and subjective results into dimensionless numbers between zero and one. For each player, the difference between the conditions was divided by the span of that individual’s results. A correlation of the normalized differences would show that the amount by which subjects increased their subjective rating when playing against a friend is proportional to the amount that the physiological measure increased in that condition. We found that normalized GSR was correlated with normalized fun and inversely correlated with normalized frustration. We also found that normalized respiratory amplitude was correlated with normalized challenge. In addition to comparing and correlating the means from the two conditions, we investigated GSR responses for small windows of time surrounding game events. The raised mean GSR signals when playing against a friend reveal that players are more aroused when playing against a friend than when playing against a computer. However, we do not know whether this elevated result can be attributed to a higher tonic level or more phasic responses. One of the advantages of using physiological data to create evaluation metrics is that they provide highresolution, continuous, contextual data. GSR is a highly responsive body signal, it provides a fast-response timeseries, reactive to events in the game. Using methods like the time-window analysis that we conducted, provides continuous objective data that can be used to evaluate the player experience, yielding salient information that can discriminate between experiences with greater resolution than averages alone. In this paper, we graphically represented continuous responses to different game events, and looked at the magnitude of the response using the span of the physiological measure. In our future work, we propose to take advantage of the high-resolution, contextual nature of physiological data to provide an objective, continuous measure of player experience. CONCLUSIONS The evaluation of user experience with collaborative entertainment technology is ripe for advancement. Subjective data yield valuable quantitative and qualitative results. However, when used alone, they do not provide sufficient information. Physiological measures have previously been used to evaluate productivity systems, especially to reflect a user’s stress or mental effort. The application of physiological measurement and analysis to collaborative leisure technology has exciting potential. Although we do not currently understand how the body physically responds to enhanced interaction, or increased enjoyment, a continuation of benchmark studies like this one will ultimately provide researchers with a methodology for objectively evaluating user experience with collaborative entertainment technologies. We foresee that objective evaluation, combined with current subjective techniques will provide researchers with techniques as rigorous and valuable as current methods of evaluating user performance with productivity systems. WORKSHOP GOALS This workshop focuses on four themes of interest to me. I hope to gain knowledge from the other attendees on their experiences dealing with the challenges that these themes introduce; especially related to metrics of collaboration, and dealing with individual differences and group dynamics. BIOGRAPHY Regan Mandryk is a Ph.D. student in the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. Her research projects focus on using emerging technologies to facilitate social interactions between friends and strangers. Specifically, her Ph.D. dissertation presents how to objectively evaluate collaborative play technologies and systems not only in terms of usability analysis, but also in terms of experience analysis, and support for interpersonal interaction. Reganhas co-organized workshops on ubiquitous play atprevious UbiCOMP and Pervasive Computingconferences and workshops on co-located collaborativetechnologies at two prior CSCW conferences. She wasalso a guest co-editor for a special issue on UbiquitousGames in the journal Personal and UbiquitousComputing. REFERENCES[1] Björk, S., Falk, J., Hansson, R., and Ljungstrand,P. (2001). Pirates! Using the Physical World as aGame Board. In Proceedings of Interact 2001.Tokyo, Japan.[2] Björk, S., Holopainen, J., Ljungstrand, P., andMandryk, R.L. (2002). Introduction to SpecialIssue on Ubiquitous Games. 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